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Police Misconduct: CPD Largely Ignores Community Recommendations on Use of Force

by | Oct 19, 2020 | Firm News

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Since June, the Chicago Police had a “Use of Force Working Group,” made up of activists, civil rights leaders, and politicians. The group met for three hours every week since June, and recommended 155 changes to the Chicago Police Department’s rules regarding when and how officers and shoot their guns, deploy tasers, and use their batons. However, the CPD has only accepted five of the proposed changes, leading to disappointment among activists.

Reporting by WBEZ indicates that the changes that were accepted are largely technical in nature, and focus only on modifying language used in existing policies. The CPD rejected changes that focused on not allowing officers to carry weapons in certain situations or restricting when officers were allowed to use their guns. The CPD also rejected a recommendation to ban chokeholds and limit when tasers can be used. To read the full WBEZ article, click here.

Arlo Walsman